16-yr old Aava Murto becomes Prime Minister of Finland for one day!!


The plot of one day leaders acting as a real representative of the people of a country is found often inspiring when we talk about the ‘Reel’ life but always the reality is quite different. However, something of a sort was witnessed recently when Aava Murto became the prime minister of Finland.

Sanna Marin, who is the youngest regular prime minister of world from Finland voluntarily stepped down from power for one day in order to promote a campaign that is, “Girls Takeover” program — part of the U.N. International Day of the Girl to raise more awareness of gender equality.

World International Day of Girls

World International Day of Girls is celebrated on October 11 every year to spread awareness supporting more opportunity for girls and curbing gender inequality faced by girls worldwide based upon their gender.  This inequality includes areas such as access to education, nutrition, legal rights, medical care, and protection from discrimination, violence against women and forced child marriage.

Who is Aava Murto & how did she handled her 1-day government?

Aava Murto is from a small village of Vaaksy, in southern Finland stepped into the shoes of Prime Minister Sanna Marin on 7th October for 1 day to highlight the impact of technology on gender equality, this year’s theme for the annual event.

Murto and Marin, one of the world’s youngest government leaders discussed what Finland with 5.5 million residents could do to improve girls’ opportunities to use and develop technology on a global basis. The stand-in prime minister and the real one stressed on the issue of Harassment that girls face online worldwide

Murto said, “Gender equality ambitions will fall short as long as girls are pushed aside from using and developing technology. Girls, too, have a digital future, and that is why girls should have a voice in technology”.

Finland regularly scores near the top when it comes to women’s rights and steps such like this regularly show Finland’s strong principles towards equality. Marin leads Finland’s center-left coalition government, which is made up of five parties whose leaders are all female.

It also became the first territory in Europe in 1906 — Finland gained independence from Russia in 1917 — and one of the first countries in the world where all women had legal rights to vote and run for office, Last year, girls took over the jobs of 1,800 leaders in more than 60 countries worldwide.