On This Day:15thMay International Astronomy Day

  • International Astronomy Day is celebrated twice a year, there is one in the spring and another in the fall to celebrate the changing constellations and various things to observe at different times of the year in space.
  • In 2021 the International Astronomy Day falls on May 15 and October 9, 2021.
  • International Astronomy Day is a way for astronomy enthusiasts and professionals to share their knowledge and love of outer space with the general public. It is also a way for everyone interested in space to explore their passion and increase their knowledge.
  • International Astronomy Day is a way for astronomy enthusiasts and professionals to share their knowledge and love of outer space with the general public. It is also a way for everyone interested in space to explore their passion and increase their knowledge.
  • Our ancestors looked at the night sky, filled with curiosity about what was beyond our planet with the same fervor as we do.
  • Indigenous cultures from around the world practiced astrology with the naked eye and it played a key role in their societies.
  • A famous example of this was Mayan astronomy. They were avid observers of the sky, keeping recordings and producing calendars and star charts. To them, the actions of the gods could be read in the movement of the stars, moon, and sun.
  • The day was started in 1973 by Doug Berger, the then President of the Astronomical Association of Northern California.
  • Originally, the day was celebrated by setting up telescopes in urban locations in order to make space more accessible to everyone.
  • Berger wanted to increase interest in the field of astronomy and give the general public access to more ways to learn about it.
  • Now, the day has expanded to include the entire world and many organizations and groups. It was also amended in 2006 to include a second day of celebration in the fall.
  • It not only is a great way to learn more about a fascinating subject, but can be an important way to spend time with family, friends, and other people who share the same interests.
  • Astronomy Day events take place at hundreds of sites across the United States. Internationally England, Canada, New Zealand, Finland, Sweden, the Philippines, Argentina, Malaysia, Iran, Ireland, New Guinea plus many other countries have hosted Astronomy Day activities.  Each location plans and executes events that work best for their local area.
  • Local astronomical societies, planetariums, museums, and observatories will be sponsoring public viewing sessions, presentations, workshops, and other activities to increase public awareness about astronomy and our wonderful universe.