ON THIS DAY – 4TH DECEMBER Indian Navy Day Is Observed


The Indian Navy Day is observed on December 4 every year to recognise the valour, achievement, and role of India’s naval force. Every day, a different theme is proposed to celebrated the day and the events are organised accordingly. The Indian Navy Day commemorates Operation Trident, which was launched by the Indian Navy to attack Karachi Harbour during the War of 1971 between India and Pakistan.

Indian Navy Day used to celebrate lots of people to get all the knowledge about the Role, Achievements, Difficulties of the Navy People. Indian Navy Day make every people get aware on Navy people who used to work for many Months in the Ship for saving all the people of the Country. It is on this day in 1971 that the Indian Navy left its shores for the very first time to successfully attack Pakistan.

Operation Trident was conduced on the intervening night of December 4 and 5 on the Pakistan Naval Headquarters in Karachi. The attack ravaged Pakistan’s fuel storage tankers, sinked four of their boats — including minesweeper and a destroyer — and killed 500 Pakistani Navy personnel.

No Indian sailors were killed in the attack. For the first time in the India Pakistan war of 1971, the Pakistani ship was attacked with an anti-ship missile. Operation Trident was followed by operation Python just three days later. Again, no Indian sailors were killed in the attack, while the operation managed to damage Pakistani fleet tanker PNS Dacca.

Several Navy personnel were honoured with gallantry awards for the operation. Strike group commander Cdr Babru Bhan Yadav was awarded Maha Vir Chakra for planning and leading the task force, while former Gulab Mohanlal Hiranandani, who was the fleet Operations Officer back then, was awarded Nau Sena media for the detailed operational planning.

Indian Navy plays an important role in safeguarding the marine borders of the country and develops international relationship by the Joint Exercises, going to the Seaport, Relief from the Natural Calamities, Missions of the Humanitarian, etc. Indian Navy develops its position in the areas of the Indian Ocean.

The strength of the Indian Navy includes Carrier Aircraft, Dock of the Big Transport, Destroyers of the eight guided Missile, 24 Corvettes, 1 Submarine of the Nuclear Attack, 7 Countermeasure Vessels Mine, 30 Vessels of the Patrol, etc. There is a Ceremony of the Wreath Laying which is held at the Memorial War, and  is followed by the Demonstration Operation to display the Ability and Resource of the Aircrafts, Ships as well as Unique Forces.

Navy does many important tasks for the country, and give their whole life for the betterment and protection of the people from the Enemy Countries. They cultivate a better attitude towards saving the life of the people at all times.

The Navy is given proper training by its coaches to make them strong enough to protect and save the life of the people. There are lots of people who want to come to the Indian Navy and likely to give many of the Exams of the Navy.

Navy is very important, and is very useful for people to create a better attitude towards the Indian Navy. It is very crucial at times when there is a war going on.

They play an important role in solving disputes between two or more countries. Navy, which is situated in the boats or ships, is called as Panjabi in Hindi, which tries to manage and tackle things through the use of ships.

Navy Ships are so strong that they can be able to get all the knowledge about the Atmosphere, Climate, Enemy Fighter Pilots, and so on. Even though they are big in size, it cannot easily be seen as they are situated deep into the oceans or seas.

Indian Navy Day makes each individual aware of the Navy and its contribution to the country. It gives people many types of protection such as from the bomb ports and other kinds of enemy attacks.

Navy people have to be very attentive at all times to avoid the enemy attacks and protect the people of the Country. They have to do regular exercises to keep their health fit and good for working for long hours.

It is very important for the Navy people to gather all the information of the Enemy and they watch every activity of the enemy countries. It finds and searches all types of obstacles in the Ocean, and connect with the different forces to get information.

Every type of Navy Officer has huge responsibilities to handle and tackle all the situations of the Junior Navy, who are trained by the Senior Navy Officers.

Every Navy Officer is highly skilled, and can make every possible idea and plan to destroy the enemy coming to attack the people of the country. There are many events organized by the Government to encourage the people for the same.

People of many countries come together to celebrate the Indian Navy Day to encourage the Young Generation to do a Navy Job for protecting their country from the dangerous attacks of the enemy. The government gives every information and Procedures about how to get selected in the Navy.

The government tries to make every type of possible ideas and plans to make the people come and join the Navy by keeping many events that make people focus on the problems and difficulties. So the Government tries to make Navy people keep all the secret activities with them which they should not be leak to any other people.

Everyday, Navy has to wake up early in the morning and try to manage everything for the protection of the Country. So, Navy is very important for every Country to save the Country from every type of Problem and Difficulty of the Enemy.

For the Indian Navy, the Community Service is conducted by the Aeronautical Technology of the Naval Institute which is known as (NIAT). Many of the Students of the Schools and Colleges take part in the Navy Event and try to focus on the Navy activities by which they can be encouraged to do a Navy Job.

Today there are thousands of people working in the Navy, and they work for many Hours each Day to protect the Country from the Enemy. Enemy People are developing  better to save the life of Crores of the people from the Enemy Attacks.