ON THIS DAY – 25TH OCTOBER:- International Artist Day Is Observed


International Artist’s Day on October 25th honors artists and all the contributions they make. The day also celebrates one of the most famous artists, Pablo Picasso. The Spanish artist was born on October 25th, 1881. Canadian artist, Chris MacClure started International Artist’s Day in 2004. Since then, October 25th has been a day dedicated to celebrating all the contributions artists have given to society.

Artists of all kinds are celebrating around the world today, as it is International Artist Day. On this day, we can and should honor and recognize all of the artists who enrich our lives and society in so many ways. It is important to recognize the contributions of artists around the world. It certainly makes sense that this should be an international event. There’ are so many famous artists from virtually every corner of the world. It would be shame, had the creator of this special day limited it to one area or a single country.

International Artist Day was founded by Chris MacClure, a Canadian artist who specializes in the style known as ‘Romantic Realism’. His paintings were a way to bring out his own “Romantic Realist” views on life, and have served to make him one of Canada’s most important artists. He created this day to bring recognition to the world of art, and to celebrate all the ways that artists bring their own special view to life.

Art has been an important part of the human experience for time out of mind, the first records of the world are not written in books, but are captured in paintings, sculptures, and music that helps to paint a picture of world lost to the past. Whether it’s revealing a style of dress worn in a period by the clothing worn in the painting, or the slight heresy’s hidden in some of the world’s most religious works, art can reveal a hidden or lost side of us to the present.

International Artists Day honors those creative souls that will leave a record of today for the future that can’t be captured in history books. The anguish and joy of the human soul is portrayed through the haunting tones of a melody, the violence and fury caught in a photograph, or the serene gaze of a statue staring off into eternity.

International Artist Day has been created so that we can celebrate the incredible world of art and all of the amazing and creative work that artists around the world carry out. We should all take a moment to reflect on the incredible impact that art has had on us and the world around us. This does not only relate to paintings. After all, there are so many different forms of art, ranging from sculpture to drawing.

The best way to celebrate International Artist Day is to support your local artists, most communities have a local art community that encompass the unique personality of both the community they live in, and the personality of that artist. If you’ve been looking for something to spruce up your living room or bedroom, then head out and find a unique piece that will bring life and personality to your home.

Museums and Art Galleries can be another way to celebrate this day, and many of these offer classes in the creative arts. So visit your local artistic establishments, and maybe enroll in something to add a new skill of self-expression to your life. IAD is a great time to celebrate existing artists, and the artist that exists within all of us.

While this is a day of celebration, one way that you can also support artists is by helping them to recover artwork that has been stolen. Plus, artists should take the required steps in order to protect their work, such as adding it to the Art Database Registry. At a high level, art is a lucrative industry, and this can result in artists being targeted. This is an incredibly upsetting thing for just about any artist or private collector, particularly if the artwork is precious, rare, or holds particular significance.

Another way to celebrate International Artists Day is by taking the time to learn about some of the most famous artists. This includes the likes of Salvador Dali, Andy Warhol, Claude Monet, Pablo Picasso, and Vincent van Gogh. A lot of these artists have interesting backstories and you can take a look at the incredible pieces of work that they have created online. You can also spend some time finding out more about artists that are not as well-known too.