ON THIS DAY – 2ND DECEMBER World Computer Literacy Day Is Observed


World Computer Literacy Day is observed every year on 2nd December, where computers’ education and existence are promoted among the people considering that the world works on the PC and computerized devices, which have become a fundamental thing in the regular world. World Computer Literacy Day is celebrated to advance the mindfulness of the PC and electronic gadgets. World Computer Literacy Day urges individuals to utilize them effectively with a scope of abilities running from essential use to the programming level and progressed critical thinking.

This day was originally launched by NIIT, an Indian skills and talent development company, in 2001 to mark its 20th anniversary, and in response to research suggesting that the majority of computer users around the world were male. Although the situation has changed since then, World Computer Literacy Day still strives to encourage the development of computer and technological skills among women and children in India.

In today’s time, the computers share a tremendous contribution and have made a critical and important existence in people’s lives today. From time to time, many evolutions were done in computers’ emerging technology, one of the most valuable changes being its development from analytical to digital. Today computers have become fast and easily accessible and facilitate the power to process information within the blink of an eye. Computers are of utmost fruitful to human life, and thus they should be advertised in the world so that people can access it’s benefits and nourish their life with the latest technology.

When we talk about Computers, it is imperative to mention Charles Babbage, a British mathematician whose ideas helped build the way for the invention of computers. With his extraordinary imagination, he dreamt of an Analytical Machine that would solve any arithmetical calculation. The device mentioned has uses of punched cards for instructions, and a memory unit for the number storage, it was an early computer. While Babbage never completed his Analytical Machine, it was a life-changing idea including all of a modern computer’s basic parts. Babbage’s idea broke the time, especially when he was working in the 1820s. Although, His work did not go in vain as Herman Hollerith designed his own version of the Analytical Machine, which was a stepping stone in creation of the computers we know today.

Among its other goals are to celebrate computers and their role in people’s lives, improve IT education, and raise awareness of the importance of improving digital literacy in underserved communities worldwide.

It is a festival Day that plans to expand familiarity with PCs’ entrance and its related innovation effectively. It promotes technological skills, especially in children and women. Any individual of all ages must know all the fundamental information and data about these strategies. PC proficiency is the comprehension of PC programming and how PCs work. It is viewed as the fundamental expertise to be controlled. The World Computer Literacy Day controls the advanced gap that exists in the world today.

PC education is the method for utilizing PC programs and different applications related to PCs. It is imperative to teach kids about advanced education. Education in computers additionally implies one’s comprehension of how PCs execute. The idea of finding out about the PC is simply to provide the fundamental information. One can rapidly pick up plenty of information in the PC by thinking about all these gadgets. The most ideal approach to make yourself prominent is through finding out about the PCs top to bottom. It gives you more information than others.

Computer literacy means that if you know every command and function of the computer well, then you will be able to operate any type of software easily. Only then you will get better results.

Digital literacy and digital equity are some of the most pressing issues for our youth and the workforce of tomorrow, says Wain. Ensuring that students have equitable access to devices and the opportunity to become strong, digitally literate users is a key marker for future opportunities.