In order to succeed in any exam, one requires a proper  preparation strategy that includes an efficient time management as a part of it. Learning how to manage time effectively is an important skill for students to master. One who is able to make efficient use of time can become a winner. But it has been observed that many students lack the ability to use time properly, leading to overwhelming feelings of stress and frustration. So, here are top 7 time management techniques that will take students’ preparation strategy to the next level and will help to climb the ladder of success.

1. Eliminate distractions

Get rid of anything that distracts you and allows you to procrastinate from your work. While you are studying or writing, turn off your phone’s ringtones and vibrations and put it in a drawer where you won’t be tempted to answer calls and messages. Allow yourself to check your phone only once per hour. Get off Facebook, Messenger, Youtube and other distractions. Save them for when you are relaxing.

2. Be focused on the task at hand

Have you ever been so focused and devoted to what you are doing that time seems to have flown by? This mental state is called ‘flow’ – when you are completely immersed and involved in an activity. Flow actually makes you feel energized and motivated and increases enjoyment of the activity (not to mention being super-productive). To achieve flow, find a challenge, develop your skills, eliminate distractions, set aside enough time, set clear goals and focus completely on the task at hand.

3. Make a Time table

A time table is a great way to plan your day. It’ll be an easier way to schedule your study and remember your obligations. It can also help you to study in blocks and devote time to different subjects. Set up a time table and ensure you stick to it. It appears many times that strict timetable works the best but reality is, it is very difficult to continue with it in the long run. Hence, set a goal and try to manage time in terms of day, week, and a month, as this will give you the flexibility to manage your time in a way as time passes by and also students should be extremely committed to their target and achieve them irrespective of any hurdles that may come their way. Be realistic and design a suitable timetable for yourself.

4. Use a checklist

A checklist is a great way to ensure you stay on task, by listing your tasks and checking them off one by one once completed. It also gives you a sense of accomplishment to tick off tasks when completed. If you make small realistic targets, you will be able to complete them on time and thus complete the syllabus.

5. Get organised

Once you have your time table and checklist set up, you should be well on your way to being better organised. Being organised will save you a lot of time and allow you to allocate and manage your time better.  Vast syllabus can be difficult to complete in limited time period, but if one follows right strategy and organises time then one can easily cover the major portion of it. So, once you divide your syllabus to conquer it, draft a study time like when you are going to study, how you are going to study and within what time you would finish it.

6. Schedule rewards

You need to treat yourself when you do the right thing. Take a few minutes out of every hour to take a break and do something you enjoy, like go for a walk or listen some music. The break will also allow your brain to relax and be more productive when you return. However, whatever you do, make sure you don’t overindulge until you have completed your tasks.

7. Get a good sleep

A good night’s sleep is essential to make sure your body and mind is rested and fresh for the next day. It can be hard to concentrate if you didn’t get 7 to 8 hours of sleep in the night before. Pulling an all-nighter studying is less productive then consistent study. Manage your time better by including sleep in the schedule.

Quoting from Brian Tracy’s book ‘Eat That Frog’ some of the important concepts of time


“If you have two frogs, eat the ugliest one first. Start with the biggest, hardest and most important task first. Begin immediately and continue.”

“If you have to eat a live frog at all, it doesn’t pay to sit and look at it for very long. Develop the lifelong habit of tackling your major task the first thing each morning.”

Lastly, here are some of the quick tips from the book to avoid procrastinating and achieving your goals.

  • Decide exactly what you want
  • Write it down
  • Set a deadline on your goal
  • Make a list of everything you need to do to achieve your goal.
  • Organize the list into a plan
  • Take action on your plan immediately
  • Resolve to do something every single day that moves you toward your major goal